
2016 Friedman, A. “Statistics for Library and Information Services: A Primer for Using Open Source R Software for Accessibility and Visualization.” Published by Rowman & Littlefield.

Book Chapters, Encyclopedias Entries, Companion Articles, Etc.

2017 Friedman, A. “Histograms.” SAGE Encyclopedia of Research, Measurement and Evaluation 1st edition. Editor: Frey, B.

2017 Friedman, A. “R (software application).” SAGE Encyclopedia of Research, Measurement and Evaluation. 1st edition. Editor: Frey, B.

2012 Friedman, A. “Semiotics and Knowledge Organization”, Chapter 7 in Cultural Frames of Knowledge. The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO). Edited by Smiraglia, R. and Hur-Li, L. Ergon Verlag Ltd.

Peer-Reviewed Journals

2024 Dinh, L., Friedman, A, and Hawley, K “Examining peer review network dynamics in higher education visual communication courses using ERGM” Computers and Education Open (Oct 04, 2024)

2024 Friedman, A., Beasley, Z. “Using Textual Analysis to Examine Student Engagement in Online Undergraduate Science Education” Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education (Oct 04, 2024)

2023 Thellefsen, M., Friedman, A. “Icons and metaphors in visual communication: The relevance of Peirce’s theory of iconicity for the analysis of visual communication” Public Journal of Semiotics (10:2)

2022 Friedman, A., Thellefsen, M. “Big data visualization through the lens of Peirce’s visual sign theory” Punctum. – International Journal of Semiotics (08)

2022 Friedman, A. “Visualizing protein data sets in R through a student peer-review rubric” Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education

2021 Beasley, Z, Friedman, A. and Rosen, P. “Through the Looking Glass: Insights into Visualization Pedagogy through Sentiment Analysis of Peer Review Text.” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

2021 Friedman, A. “Truth and Lie in Visual Literacy and education.” [Guest Editor]. Journal of Visual Literacy 40(2)

2021 Friedman, A. “Data and visual displays in the Journal of Ecology 1996–2016.” Information Visualization 20(1)

2019 Friedman, A. “Data Science syllabi measuring its content.” Education and Information Technologies. 24(6).

2019 Friedman, A. “Visual Uncertainty Models Through the Political Lens of the Visual Arts in the Era of Bush and Trump.” Journal of Visual Literacy (JVL). 38(4) DOI: 10.1080/1051144X.2019.1611699

2019 Friedman, A. “Toward peer-review software and a rubric application in visual analytics classes: A case study.” Education for Information Special issue: Visual Learning by Education for Information.

2018 Friedman, A & Schneider, E. “Developing a Visualization Education Curriculum in the Age of Big Data Using the Dick and Carey Model.” Visual Communication Quarterly 25(4).

2018 Friedman, A. “Digitizing Peircean semiotics to analyze students’ peer-review comments: classroom use of an application in open-source R.” Social Semiotics 38(5)

2017 Friedman, A. “Measuring the Promise of Big Data Syllabi.” Technology, Pedagogy and Education 26(5).

2017 Friedman, A. & Ron, S. “Unlocking the power of visual grammar theory: Analyzing social media political advertising messages in the 2016 U.S. election.” The Journal of Visual Literacy36(2).

2017 Friedman, A. & Bernstein, J. “Measures of greatness: A Lotkaian approach to literary authors using OCLC WorldCat.” Library and Information Science Research 39(3)

2017 Friedman, A. & Feichtinger, E. Peirce’s sign theory as an open-source R package.” Signs – International Journal of Semiotics Vol 8.

2015 Friedman, A. “The Power of Lotka’s Law Through the Eyes of R.” The Romanian Statistical Review. Published by Romanian National Institute of Statistics.

2014 Friedman, A. “The Relationship between Research Methodology and Visual Display: A study of conference proceedings in the field knowledge organization.” Information Research Vol. 19 No. 4.

2013 Friedman, A. & Smiraglia, P. R. “Nodes and Arcs: Concept Map, Semiotics, and Knowledge Organization.” Journal of Documentation. Vol. 69 No.1. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

2011 Friedman, A. & Thellefsen, M.Concept Theory and Semiotics Theory in Knowledge Organization ” Journal of Documentation. Vol. 67 No. 4. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

2010 Friedman, A. The Use of Concept Maps in Knowledge Organization: An Analysis of Conference Papers.” Knowledge Organization Journal Vol. 37 (1). Ergon-Verlag.

Conference Papers

2024   Friedman, A, Hawley, K. Rosen, P, Rahman, Md D. “Enhancing Student Feedback Using Predictive Models in Visual Literacy Courses” IEEE EDUCON 2024, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, Kos, Greece .

2024   Friedman, A. and Antonio S´anchez “Exploring the Landscape of Information Visualization through a Mark Lombardi Lens” ICDAV 2024: 18. International Conference on Data Analysis and Visualization, Paris, France.

2023   Hawley, K, and Friedman, A. “Visual Peer Review: Examining Students’ Parts of Speech Comments vs. Grade” EdMedia + Innovate Learning, Univ. of Vienna.

2022   Beasley, Z, Friedman, A. and Rosen, P. A. “Through the Looking Glass: Insights into Visualization Pedagogy through Sentiment Analysis of Peer Review Text” IEEE Vis, Oklahoma City, USA.

2022   Williams, C., Noel, L., and Friedman, A. “W.E.B. Du Bois’s Visualizations of 21st Century Big Data in R” useR 2022 .

2020 Friedman, A. “Mark Lombardi’s model through the examination of President Trump’s tweets.” UseR! 2020.

2020 Friedman, A., Beasley, Z.J. “Teaching R with Peer Review and a New Rubric.” UseR! 2020.

2020 Z Beasley, A Friedman, L Pieg, P Rosen. “Leveraging Peer Feedback to Improve Visualization Education.” IEEE Pacific Visualization conference.

2018 Amparo, A.P., Smith, G., Friedman, A. “Gender and persistent grade performance differences between online and face to face undergraduate classes.” EdMedia+ Innovate Learning. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

2018 Friedman, A. “Teaching R via Peer Review.” UseR! Conference 2018, Brisbane, Australia.

2018 Friedman, A. & Rosen, P. “MyReviewers Visualization Peer Review.” The 5th International Conference on Writing Analytics . St. Petersburg, FL.

2017 Friedman, A. & Rosen, P. “Leveraging Peer Review in Visualization Education: A Proposal for a New Mode.” IEEE Pedagogy of Data Visualization Workshop, Phoenix, AZ

2017 Hayes, J.L., Graybeal, G.M. & Friedman, A. “Ressurecting Zombie Brands: Lessons from Analyses of The Walking Dead Social TV Conversation.” American Academy of Advertising Conference, Boston, MA.

2016 Friedman, A. “Peirce–theory-of-signs in R” UseR! Conference 2016, Stanford, CA.

2015 Friedman, A “Lotka’s Law package.” UseR! Conference 2015, Aalborg, Denmark.

2015 Friedman, A. “Lotka’s Law and its statistical measurement.3rd International Conference: New Challenges for Statistical Software – The Use of R in Official Statistics, Bucharest, Romania.

2015 Friedman, A. “Mapping Subjectivity, Disensus, and Concordance: Visualizing peer review and writing assessment.” Science and Information (SAI) Conference, London, UK.

2014 Friedman, A. “Learning the R: Needs analysis, Learning Taxonomies and Methodology”UseR! 2014, Los Angeles, CA.

2014 Friedman, A. “Pinterest through the eyes of public libraries in Florida.” 13th International Conference (ISKO 2014), Krakow, Poland.

2014 Friedman, A. “Big Data curriculum in the field of Information Science” Alise’14 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

2013 Friedman, A. “Visual Analytics Theory and Practice: Lessons Learned from a Pioneering Course“. 4th Visual Learning Conference: Emotion, Expression, Explanation, Budapest, Hungary.

2011 Friedman, A. “Mark Lombardi’s visualization discovery.” Visual Literacy Conference (ADS-VIS) 2011, Huddersfield, UK.

2008 Friedman, A. “Concept Mapping in Knowledge Organization through a semiotics lens.” Third International Conference on Concept Mapping, Helsinki, Finland.

2008 Friedman, A. “Concept mapping through a semiotics lens.” The 33rd Meeting of the Semiotics Society of America, Houston, TX.

2007 Friedman, A. “Postmodern perspective to the terms digital and electronic signature.” Connection Conference # 17, Philadelphia, PA.

2006 Friedman, A. “Concept Mapping as measurable sign” 9th International ISKO Conference, Vienna, Austria.

2004 Friedman, A. “Concept maps and the Philosophy of language perspective.” The Long Island Philosophical Society (LIPS) 16(4).

2003 Friedman, A. “Austin and Instant messaging,” The Long Island Philosophical Society (LIPS) 16(3).


2015 Visualization of Information Retrieval. University of Copenhagen, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Aalborg, Denmark.

2015 What can we learn from Peer Reviews & Big Data Paradigm? IDSC Seminar, USF, Tampa FL

2015 The Power of Data Visualization with R. IdeAlytics Fest 2015, USF, Tampa FL.

2014 R and Visualization. USF School of Engineering, Engineering Analytics Class, USF, Tampa FL.

2014 Visualization and the Power of R.” Big Data and Writing Studies Colloquium. USF English Department.

2013 Knowledge organization through the eyes of visualization. University of Haifa, Sagy Center for Internet Search and the Department of Library Science, Haifa, Israel.

Academic Social Media